Thursday, December 07, 2006

This mix probably won't get you laid...

Totally cribbed this one from TAN

The soundtrack to your life

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...

Waking Up: Hot Rod - Peaches
First Day at School: Crazy Time - Leela James
Falling In Love: You Can Kill A Revolution - The Wolfnote
Fight Song: Tell You Now - Le Tigre
Breaking Up: First Time Around (DFA Spring Radio Mix) - Skyy
Prom: Galang 05 - M.I.A.
Life: Night After Night - The Sounds
Mental Breakdown: Through The Dark - KT Tunstall
Driving: Come Rain or Come Shine - Juliette Lewis
Flashback: Same Ghost Every Night - Wolf Parade
Wedding: Today I Hate Everyone - The Killjoys
Birth of Child: Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Acoustic Cover) - Nelly Furtado
Final Battle: Drop It Like It's Huey (Mashup) - CompactRisk
Death Scene: Ain't Got No (I Got Life) - Nina Simone
Funeral Song: The Virginian - Neko Case
End Credit: Trick Me - Kelis

I didn't cheat, it's just entirely coincidental than none of my mildly shameful iTunes tracks (Lindsay Lohan, K-Fed, Kelly Clarkson, et. al) made it to the list.

All in all, this is a pretty good mix. Some of the song choices are a bit funny (mostly just the 'waking up', 'wedding', and 'final battle') and others are oddly appropriate ('mental breakdown', 'flashback', 'death scene', and 'funeral song'). Weirdly enough, 'falling in love' is actually a song by my boss' band, although I had been a fan of theirs since way before I started working - just strange.

Although, for me, falling in love at this point would be nothing short of revolutionary, but crazier things have happened...


Nicoel said...

I'll be sure to check it out heather!

None said...

O.S.I. (Office of Strategic Influence) is a prog-rock supergroup made up of Fates Warning guitarist Jim Matheos and ex-Dream Theater keyboardist Kevin Moore. I think the best way I've found to describe their music is ambient hard rock.

The tracks on their myspace aren't the best, but they're pretty good songs.

S* said...

Oooh, I'm totally doing this. Will report back.

krisis said...

Shut up, there is nothing shameful about Kelly Clarkson.

Now, if I were to tell you I just rented Prairie Home Companion not to see a wonderful Altman flick, but for the sole purpose of watching Lindsay Lohan act in a movie not meant for teenagers, that might lead to feelings of shame.


Nicoel said...

@peter - nothing shameful per se, but I'm not going to go professing my love of Kelly Clarkson on the rooftops anytime either.

I've got far worse in my collection - including 2gether (the mid to late 90s faux boy band) and far more relaxation music than I'd like to admit to...

Unknown said...

Man, I really need to get my hands on something from Peaches. I've heard more than enough about her by now.

Nicoel said...

yeah dude, she's amazing. I'll email you a couple of her tracks sometime this weekend...