So I worked this god-awful promo for a hot sauce company a couple of weekends ago because I was seriously hard up for cash and it was a totally easy gig and since I was filling in for someone, my performance didn't really need to be up to par.
Fast forward to last weekend, when I remembered that I'd have to file my time sheets so I called my area supervisor, who happens to be based out of Calgary, at what I had assumed to be his office number. I didn't really look at the clock as I was dialing from memory, and I was totally shocked to have actually called his cell phone.
We chatted briefly, but he seemed totally weirded out. After I hung up the phone I shared this sentiment with a friend and she mentioned (again, I might add) that the clock I had been looking at is at least an hour behind.
Ah, it's all coming together. It wasn't really 10 it was closer to 11:30 pm, nice.
I had just needed to know who I should send my time sheets to now that the organization has been completely restructured.
...and then I remembered that I had originally called to confirm my availability for the job in the neighbourhood of 4 am (because I had talked on the phone to one of my good friends from Ontario until the wee hours of the morning). Thank God he didn't pick up then, or else he really would have taken me for a total douchebag.
So I just missed a call from my boss, and upon checking the message found out that he needs to send me some contracts from the client (no doubt something about confidetiality, etc.) but he offered to fax them.
I'm really confused as to why they still use fax machines as opposed to, say, an attachment in an email, or pdf files. I mean really now, what happening 20-something has a fax machine kicking around their house? I had access to a fax machine at home, but that's only because my mom is a market research exec who also happens to contribute to a market research journal from time to time.
Now I'm going to have to figure out the fax number at work and get them to send it there, inconvenient to say the least.
can't sign an attachment
thus why faxes are still around.
You can print off a copy, sign it and scan it though...
I personally hate fax machines because I always manage to screw something up when I'm trying to use one!
That's funny that you unwittingly called your boss on his cell phone - if he's weirded-out, it's his fault for listing that number! I did a similar thing the other day; I returned a voicemail from a former co-worker at 10:30 on a Saturday night, thinking I was going to be connected to her voicemail at work. Oops...
Kelley - He didn't list the number but it's the number he gave me because I was doing a last minute shift (he called me Friday night about something on Saturday night)
Which reminds me, I still need to call him back, maybe I'll do that today on my lunch break.
scan it through what?
A fax machine?
Why print and scan it? When you can just.. ahem... fax it...
Now you're just being diffcult. It's called a 3 in 1. Print scan copy...
I had the same feeling the other day when a freelance contact wanted me to sign a contract and fax it back to them. Fax it, I thought, what year is this? So I had to go find a variety store and pay them to send it.
Exactly my point Jeremy
I hated fax machines when they were first invented. So they're totally loathed now that their outdated and obsolete!
No, I'm not trying to be difficult but fax machines are definitely better in my circumstances and environments so I don't think they are outdated. The medium in which they travel is indeed outdated but that's not going away either.
so rah rah rah go fax machine!
eric - if you like fax machines so much why don't you marry one?
just kidding!
I can definitely see how they are convenient in some situations, but for me, a student, it's a hassle
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