Since my previous shopping trip was less than fulfilling, I had decided to stop by Urban Outfitters on my break - flying in the face of everything I believe in but, whatevs - I needed shoes (like a hole in the head, but that's another story entirely).
Back in February, I think I had vowed to never shop there again, but it's getting to be pretty difficult to stick to my guns about this one, especially since the shoes I wanted were on sale. I knew this, of course, because I have several friends who are actually employed by the retail behemoth - on of whom stopped by the shop a couple weeks back to tell me to drop by so he could avoid actually being busy by simply looking it.
I bought a pair of lace up Vans roughly two weeks ago, and fell in love. I went back yesterday to pick up a new pair because I'm a sucker for a good sale, especially one that involves shoes. I was trying to decide which colour I was most fond of (I was leaning towards navy blue), except when I got there, they were even more deeply discounted (something crazy like 85% off), so I went crazy and snatched up three pairs and impulsively bought teal nail polish (to match my favourite pair) at the till.
Then I bought groceries after work and was kicking myself because of the heft of my bags and the awkward factor of having to balance three pairs of shoes and four bags of groceries.
Photo Credit: Flickr
My budget resolve goes to hell when I see a sale. I love sales. They make me feel good on so many different levels. It's like taking a shot of liquor.
I always tell myself that I'll stop shopping at UO. They're like the dysfunctional relationship that I keep going back to. *sigh*
Hahaha! I also have this love/hate realtionship with urban outfitters. But i guess it's the kind of thing you get lured into again.
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