Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blithely Indifferent

So I convinced The Engineer to come up for a visit (a mistake, obvs) and quickly tired of his presence after a day and a half (quelle surprise). I had to work and attend a rather long-winded, but hugely productive staff meeting after my shift which ran a little longer than expected (3+ hours) and then I opted to help The Pansy clean her place in preparation for her mom's visit.

Except that she left her keys at work so we spent the better part of an hour on the phone trying to figure out their whereabouts, and then waiting for our boss to drop them off on his way home. By the time we got to her place, The Real World Las Vegas: Reunion was on and all cleaning plans were promptly abandoned. Then The X Effect beckoned us and it quickly became apparent that we would not, in fact, be cleaning, in favour of vegging out with the trashiest of tv.

The Pansy and I had gotten dinner at Wok Box on the way home and it was wreaking havoc with my system (or that could be guilt, but who's counting) and I felt terribly ill (still do, in fact) as she tried to convince me to simply go home to my manfriend, but I was already quite tired of him after spending Monday night, and practically all of Tuesday with him (relationships aren't my thing apparently). I expected him to have left by the time I got home, but he was still there, fast asleep reeking slightly of booze. I showered then gingerly crawled into bed and planned out some fabulous excuse as to why I couldn't have returned his midday text and fell asleep myself.

I woke up this morning to an empty bed and a note on the kitchen table accompanied by the spare keys, something about the Stampede, blah, blah, blah, but I didn't really care what the reason was since I wasn't the once who had to make up excuses, for the first time in as long as I can remember. It's probably for the best because chances are he'd probably be mad at some of the choices I may or may not make later tonight.

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