Saturday, December 30, 2006

The voice of reason

The Archaeologist: Wow, I don't think I've ever heard you swear before...

Team Gingerbread: Are you fucking kidding me?! Every motherfucking second word out of my mouth is a swear word.

I just wanted to know exactly when it became acceptable for people to tote their dogs around with them everywhere they go. I mean, I shouldn't really have to explicitly state that unless you're fucking blind, you don't need a dog at your beck and call while shopping, no?

Just who do you think you are, Paris Hilton circa 2002?

The Pansy: Unless you're towing your dog around in Louis Vuitton, leave it at home!


Cash Quests said...

What's worse is when people dress their dogs in Louis Vuitton clothes, don't you think?

Nicoel said...

I dunno, I guess I'm biased. I think dog clothing can be really cute. My mom's a fan of dog sweaters for our little dog, but she gets quite cold in the winter, so it does have its practical angle as well...

Anonymous said...

There was a girl at the mall in line for pictures with Santa with her mini-dog because she missed the Santa time at the pet store. WTF?!

Nicoel said...

mlb - lol