Thursday, December 28, 2006

Two for me...

Even though I have an extreme distaste for the holiday season and all the accoutrements (unless it involves candy canes, original flavours only - none of the unnecessary bastardizations, please), I smiled when I arrived home tonight to find not one, but two Christmas cards in the mailbox.

Even though the cards were late (Ed: Upon further inspection, it appears the cards were mailed out far before Christmas according the the postmarks), I suppose it really is the though that counts.

Now I have to dig out my thank you note paper...


Maritza said...

I got your card yesterday! Thanks, it was a good one!

Nicoel said...

Glad you enjoyed it - I figured a sassy lady such as yourself might enjoy some seasonal humour

S* said...

I LOVE stationery and note cards. It's a dying art.