Friday, November 17, 2006

On air quotes, and their improper use

The New Girl (who currently lacks a suitable nickname): Guys, quit [making fun of me]. We're 'just friends'

Team Gingerbread: So you admit that you're more than just friends?

The New Girl: No

Team Gingerbread: Why did you use air quotes?

The New Girl: To be honest, I don't quite get how they work...

Team Gingerbread: (laughing) Oh, that's so cute. My mom doesn't get how it's done either


Nicole said...

LMAO! That's just to funny! Thanks you just had me laughing out loud. ha ha.

Maritza said...

I can't work "air quotes" into my conversations. Maybe I should just say, quote air quote unquote before I say something questionable but that would lead to all sorts of lameness and confusion....

(I'm rambling...)

Nicole said...

You've been the explainer of a lot of things to a lot of people lately, haven't you?

Nicole said...

By the way, would you believe I just saw a photo of you for the first time EVER?? Cute hair. :)

riese said...

Neither does Britney Spears!

Potential names for New Girl:




Topncal said...

Now I have something to chuckle about while I am in the meeting I am about to go to.

lilfeathers2000 said...

Have A Blessed Weekend

pamela said...

I would suggest a couple of term papers in which she MUST quote atleast ten people and I'd toss in a footnote requirement as literary payment for you teaching her the finer things in life. Or you could begin with an air-guitar lesson...

Michelle said...

Ooo...I'm going to start using air quotes in all my conversations if only to annoy people and confuse the stoners.

Nicoel said...

jazz - you're welcome

maritza - I still don't think she gets it even though we explained it

nicole - as an anthropologist, it's my duty. thanks

marie - I like AirQuote

Nicoel said...

bokonon - I do what I can

lilfeather2000 - and you as well

pamela - I've had my fill of papers this term, so I'll settle for the air guitar, although I think she could probably school me at that one

sushi - good plan