Team Gingerbread: Is that a pomegranate?
The Engineer: Um, yes.
Team Gingerbread: When did you start eating all this exotic fruit? First salad, then mango yogurt, then this?
Team Gingerbread: I feel like I don't even know you anymore! Do you have some secret stash of starfruit shampoo that you use when I'm not around too?
The Engineer: Um, it's not mine, it belongs to [The Engineer's roommate]
Team Gingerbread: Oh. Perhaps I overreacted a little bit...
The Engineer: One might say that - not me, of course, but someone else...
the sexual tension is killing me...
(which if fine though, people aren't allowed to talk about having sex when I'm not having sex)
they look delicious enough to eat :)
Starfruit shampoo is bound to taste better than the fruit itself ;)
db - It's been so long since I've had starfruit (5 years maybe) that I hardly remember what it's like
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