Sunday, April 29, 2007

Q & A Sundays

What is the deal with white people who insist on cultivating dreads?

I just don't get it, what is the appeal... Anyone?


Anonymous said...

My friends boyfriend has them. He's a total white boy. I don't understand the appeal regardless of race though. Ew. They look so dirty.

Maritza said...

They think it's cool. I don't get it either just like the white boys who dress all hip hop. Didn't Vanilla Ice teach them ANYTHING?

Trish Ess said...

Laziness. Just takes too damned much energy to comb out their hair.

Nicoel said...

I dunno, I'm still mystified, and I even asked one of my friends who went through a hpase where she felt the need to sport them what it was all about and she was at a loss for words.

If it's a cultural things then fine, whatevs, you know, but it's more out of curiosity at this point

Michelle said...

Because you can hide tiny bottles of gin in the matted hair of course! Missed you!