This has been the official week of the lurkers; it's as if they can smell that I'm newly single (of course in my commitment-phobe mind I was never really off the market, but I digress).
First there was the drunk guy on the bus on Tuesday, what an excellent way to cap off a really long day at work.
Then, there's the thug on the bus late Saturday night - because I was really in the mood to be hit on. I was so tired at that point that if he had said anything further to me, I would have probably cried.
and finally, there was the
But seriously, I don't really want to chat with you, hence the removal of only one earbud when you approached me and appeared to be talking to me. The second there was a momentary laspe in conversation the earbud went back in again, only to have to take it out when you approached me once again to make sure I remembered your name (Brian). I was secretly hoping that we wouldn't be on the same bus because I had absolutely no interest in human interaction that early in the day.
Relief washed over me when your bus pulled up, and I made some half-hearted attempt at being pleasant and stated that "it was nice meeting you..." and then you were all like "No, really, the pleasure was all mine" in a really unnerving tone and you basically ruined my day.
Cybersex requires no commitment. Bring it, babe.
eric - ah, I knew you'd come crawling back for some nsa action...
strings chaff and leave marks
eric - true, lest anyone get wind of our torrid affair. It's best that we're careful and don't leave any evidence...
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