Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A humble beginning to the new year

New Year's was decidedly tasteful and almost entirely drama-free this year. I felt very adult and my prime motivation was not to get crunk but simply to have a good time and chill with friends while enjoying finger foods and the like.

I guess I'm growing up either that or I'm just boring.

The Pansy, Air Quote, The Archaeologist and I had an interesting and spirited discussion on what was quite possibly the slowest shopping day of the year - understandable since most people are usually too hungover/embarrassed to make it out of the house, let alone go shopping.

The girls and I were talking in code around The Archaeologist about sex and other things and eventually he just wanted to know what we were gossiping about. I assured him that he wouldn't want to know lest his unsullied image of us be shattered but he insisted. The answer both shocked and appalled him and left him with a pursed grimace.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Side note: My roommate just offered to set me up with someone and I politely declined stating that I should probably end things with The Engineer first...


skeeball said...

What no alleys?

Nicoel said...

No no alleys this time Eric, sorry to disappoint.

Next time I get crunk, I'll make it a point to pee in an alley just for you though...

Maritza said...

Why break it off with the Engineer? Did I miss something in "As the Latte Turns"?

Nicoel said...

Well, The Engineer and I have ongoing drama. Nothing terribly bad, but we just want different things right now...and I'm a commitment-phobe right now, it seems