Sunday, November 19, 2006

Don't even front...

The Engineer: So, like, if you wanna watch The OC while you're here that's totally fine with me...
Team Gingerbread: Oh, bitch please! Do not even front like you're not totally hooked on it too! Don't act like you're doing me any favours...
The Engineer: (mumbles something indecipherable)

Team Gingerbread: Um, I think this yogurt went bad
The Engineer: Let me taste it (tastes it) No, that tastes fine to me
Team Gingerbread: Seriously? This is the grossest peach yogurt I've ever tasted in my life!
The Engineer: There's your problem - it's not peach, it's mango
Team Gingerbread: Who buys mango yogurt?
The Engineer: This coming from the girl who called me three times in one day to ask if I had tried the prune yogurt yet...

Because I secretly lead a really glam life (but lets keep that on the DL), I had originally planned on staying in all day Saturday to do laundry (not a metaphor) and take leisurely naps - but those plans were hastily thrown out the window when a certain boy called and asked me to join him on a shopping adventure...which quickly morphed into a casual lunch/dinner date followed by The OC and ice cream bars (because we're crazy like that).

I had to cut the festivities short though, as I still needed to do laundry/shower once I got home.


girl said...

Blogmad hit - ding!

Umm, prunes? Really?

takinchances said...

I feel you on the glam life. I spent all day today going through mail, dusting, eating and vacuuming.

It was mad, mad crazy.

Nicoel said...

Shirley - Really. It just tastes like plain yogurt with brown sugar mixed in and the odd soft fruity piece

Takin Chances - lol

Unknown said...

PRUNE yogurt??

I thought yogurt was supposed to CALM your stomach...not evacuate it!