Thursday, October 12, 2006

A dilemma

So I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place, so to speak.

I've been torturing my friend about her insane crush on one of our coworkers, but all of our chatter about him has actually made me kinda sorta start to like him too (I guess I was wrong about her 'converting me').


And now I can't say anything because I've mocked her so badly that there's literally no way I could escape vicious mockery if this came to light.

To tell, or not to tell, that is the question.

The only pro is that if I spilled we could at least talk about it together, but I don't really know if it's worth the scornfully contemptuous ridicule.

I know, I know - I can dish it out, but I can't take it...

***Update: I think I forgot to mention that he wants us all to go out drinking together. I'm sort of avoiding making firm plans though because I can be aggressive when I'm drunk - I prefer the term 'task-oriented' but whatevs.

I just know that I'd probably certainly be angry if one of my friends went after someone she knew full well that I was digging.

And the guy in question is the one who made a bet with me (his idea, I didn't want to) about shoes, the loser (him) had to buy the other one lunch. You can read about it once I get my act in gear and republish my archives***


Ashburnite said...

It's definitely worth it to dish.. and definitely a great way to bond.

Nicoel said...

La Chou - Not, not in the least. I don't exactly know what it is, but I'm suddenly attracted to him, hardcore.

Evil Genius/Ashburnite - The only problem with me dishing, is that I'm definitely more likely to do something about it than she is.

I joking asked her a couple of days ago what would happen if I started liking him too, and she said she wouldn't mind but I honestly think she'd be pissed if anything happened.

I know I would be.

Gigi said...

She's not going to see it as you just wanting a gossip pal. Chances are she's already masturbating to his image and planning their wedding.

You have to keep it to yourself, but you can still hook up. Just talk about it with someone who is not her.

Nicoel said...

Gigi - Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. She's pretty stoked about him (she's actually started sighing when she says his name - I know, yuck!)

You and I can be bad friends together

Voices of NLD said...

Uh, my best friend had two dates with a guy I met at a party. The sparks were flying so much that another friend's MIL--was a Christening party, first question the next morning was "did Pia leave with__"

I asked and asked my friend if it was alright with her. She said yes, but I was hesitant. Met him at another party two months later

Things happened. My friend didn't speak to me for months. Fortunately friendship is thicker than

But if you value your coworker's friendship, don't even go near him, on the other hand, if you don't and don't care about mockery....

Nicoel said...

Pia - I would never tell her if anything happened anyways (that's just cruel and not my style) and to be fair, I have no clue as to whether he's interested in either of us.

I'll see what happens if (more than likely when) we all go out together.

I probably shouldn't do anything about it though because we're essentially all coworkers (he works at the guys skate shop down the hall) and guys talk just as much, if not more than girls do...

skeeball said...

Its a phase it will pass. Soon all his retardations will come to light again.

Keep the faith, holmes.

Nicoel said...

Eric - Hopefully you're right

La Chou - I don't really think I'm attracted to him at all, but he does have a good personality.

skeeball said...

Next time you see him think about his orgasm face.

Works every time.

Nicoel said...

Ew, no!

That would actually involve thinking of him mid-coitus

skeeball said...

Exactly! That's my point! Ew no!

Nicoel said...

Ah I get it now...

It always takes me awhile when I'm tired (great excuse I know)