Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Reality Check

More and mornings come and go where I either wake up to a fresh snowfall or blustering snow - winter's coming and it's inevitable. I should be excited, I know, because as an avid skiier/purveyor of snowboard hardgoods this is a good thing - it's just really hard to remember that when I'm waiting at the only bus stop on my street without a shelter waiting for the bus to lazily pull up (usually late I might add).


Anonymous said...

I've lived all my long life in a city that can get cold and snowy in the winter, which is one of the very few things I hate about my hometown. I don't ski and I don't sell ski/snowboard hard goods. To my mind, snow is proof that God does not exist. How could a supreme being design anything SO wrong?

Valley Girl said...

As a kid, I'd always wished for snowy winters (I live in California).