Tuesday, November 06, 2007

'My back hurts' and other poor excuses

I was supposed to get up early today and go to the gym because I got home too late after work and the gym was closed/The Hills was on. As much as I needed to go for a run, I needed a shower more - and ultimately cleanliness won out in the end.

Because I'm lazy/have somewhat lax standards of hygiene, I only shower ever second day (usually right after I get back from the gym). My hair was a disgusting mess of product last night and it bothered me enough to do something about it. I watched The Hills and The Hills Aftershow (screw getting to bed early) and ended up falling into a fitful sleep filled with really non-sensical dreams about people I don't really know that well.

My alarm went off right on schedule, at 6:45 AM, and I got up and headed it the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and decided, quite wisely I think, that what I actually needed wasn't a quick 2K run but more sleep - and with that I climbed back into bed.


Valley Girl said...

Every second day?

Nicoel said...

Yeah I usually end up getting home from work really late and I have to get up really early and my hair takes a crazy long time to dry so I would have to get up at 5 am for it to be dry by 9:30 thus showering at night is my only option right now and I'm usually to tired after working a 10-hour day...

Pandora Wilde said...

Every other day's better for your hair.