Sunday, January 21, 2007

Laundry and The O.C.

- or Sexy Saturdays in 2 easy steps

I decided to use The Engineer for his free laundry privileges on Saturday night after work, very sexy I know. But I was really tired, as usual, mostly because I'm still fighting off illness and not really sleeping too well, but what else is new?

I forgot to call and ask him if he had a tennis ball first so I ended up dragging my duvet and down vests over there for nothing (the tennis ball is to break up the down lumps in the dryer).

He asked me if I wanted to watch The O.C. while I waited and I lazily replied "Oly if I can do it lying down" to which he made a rather sexually explicit comment. My standard response "That's sexual harassment and I don't have to take it!"

We watched The O.C. without incident and I went home shortly after, only to return hours later and apparently I was so drugged out (cold meds) that I forgot to set my alarm and almost slept in.

The End

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