Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hey Assface!

Um, yeah hi?

It's me the girl who's forced to sit across from you on the bus and you're carrying on in what could best be described as the opposite of an indoor voice. Seriously, I'm stoked that you have to repeat the same insipid inside joke to your nephews (underage friends?) in the loudest voice possible at least 10 times.

Really, it sounds like I had to be there, so enough with that. And that cape thingie you're rocking, nice, really nice - if you're headed to a LAN party.

Maybe I've just had a long day but by the pained sidelong glances occasionally shared with fellow passengers I can tell it's not just me...


S* said...

Um, no, REALLY. My life is so INTERESTING and GREAT that EVERYone on the bus should hear about it. Cuz, like, they all should care. About my LIFE and stuff. Yeah. God, I'm COOL. I'm the COOL aunt, dammit! I AM!

Nicoel said...


I know everyone has been in that position before, but is it so hard to keep it down?

That's all I'm asking...

Although if it came down to choosing between the listerine boozers and him, he'd win in a heartbeat

Tracey said...

Ahhh...the joys of public transport.

Maritza said...

If you get a car, we'll miss these gems.

Nicoel said...

Tracey - You said it

Maritza - Luckily there's almost no chance of that, because that would involve me also getting a driver's license